ISO BLOG #1: 01 April 2020

Hi everyone, Isolation gives one time to contemplate. I would like to say the following. Firstly, thank you Australia for showing such support. Not only the government to small business like ours but from our clients who although can't travel at the moment have sent emails understanding our position. Let me say this. If you are going to be isolated and want a health system behind you, there is no better country than Oz. How lucky we are. When this is over, I am going to play more golf in our beautiful country and focus my efforts on promoting travel in Australia, to give back what support that has been shown to me. For two years my golf trips will be in Australia. I hope my clients will do the same. Let's support the locals and Australians. It is the least we can do. Speaking as someone who has played a lot of golf overseas, what is on offer here is equally good, if not better. Mornington, Barnbougle, King Island, are world class golf courses. Cities like Melbourne and Adelaide offer the best in food and in my opinion South Australia has some of the best wine in the world. Gold Coast, best weather, great golf courses, the perfect combination for your dream holiday lifestyle. So when we can travel again and play golf, let’s support Australians. We all need it. Adrian Rebbeck - Getaway Golf & Leisure Travel